APPLY TO BE APART OF OUR TEAM! Please fill out the following questions and we will reach out to all the candidates that fit our team best! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Are you applying for a full-time position or part-time? Full-time part-time Are you currently In school or working elsewhere? Currently in Highschool Currently in College/University Currently working elsewhere Currently looking for a career If you get this position, will you be quitting your other job? I dont have another job at the moment Yes, I will be quitting my other job as im looking for full-time No, i want to keep both jobs When are you able to work? Choose all that apply! (you can choose more than one!) Any shifts! Mornings Afternoons Evenings I have school, so my schedule is random Are you available to work weekends? Yes No How many hours are you able to work a week? 1-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-20 hours 21-30 hours 31-40 hours 40 hours + How far is the commute to Yorkdale for you? (This is where the truck will be) Please answer in minutes (this location is referring to your top choice) Describe what vibes describe you best! Chill Shy Outgoing Fun Friendly Sweet Energetic Laid back Patient Kind Perfectionist Focused Adventurous Rate your own Driving Skills from 1-10 Do you have any past experience Driving large trucks? Please elaborate! Why do you want to work here and why do you think you'd be a perfect fit? Name the last 2-3 places you've worked at and the positions you were at each job! This position does require you to be really good at driving, early early mornings, and very respnsible and reliable on the road and off. Can you do this? Thank you for applying, if your deemed to be a fit, we will reach out soon!